Friends and family tend to be the only people who know how to find your bookshop online and where to buy your book online. So if you want more readers to reach your target audience, you have to lead them there. And one of the best ways to find new readers where they can buy your book is with Display Ads for Authors.
Digital advertising is an incredibly powerful book marketing tool that can boost sales and raise awareness for books. With its low cost and easy to target capabilities, digital advertising can give a huge boost to book sales. A display advertising campaign can help reach out to new readers and boost the book's profile in its genre. There are different kinds of display advertising like display ads, search ads, banner ads , video ads, and more.
Display Ads for Authors uses the Google Display Network to advertise your book online. Thanks to versatile targeting options—and two million websites that reach 90% of all Internet users—it's an easy and effective way to advertise to readers in your genre. Our new service specifically places display ads that promote your book on the websites most likely to be visited by your potential readers.