How to copyright a book
Throughout the writing process, you are in control of every word and punctuation mark on each page. Once your book is published, it’s important that you remain in control of your work. Intellectual property laws make the foundation of copyrighting a book easy, but you can still take it a step further to make certain that you remain in control, by registering it with the Copyright Office, Library of Congress. Officially copyrighting a book with the Copyright Office ensures that you are the legal copyright owner of the work you’ve created, in case there is ever a need to litigate in the future. Your book copyrighted work and all its characters, settings and stories will belong to you as copyrighted material, and if anyone infringes on any part of it, you can assert your rights. Registering your work is very simple with the online portal, and only costs $45. Just go to the copyrights for photographs, sculptures and written works, fill out the form, pay the fee, and you are done creating a copyrighted work.