Yes! BookBaby provides both exterior and interior book design services. While your exterior design works as your first impression, the interior design can help to keep your readers engaged. Our exterior design includes your actual book cover design and trim size, as well as whether you're looking for a hardcover or paperback book.
Your interior book design, or manuscript formatting, includes either black text or color text design. Black text design is usually ideal for novels, poetry books, or memoirs. Color text design is great for art, photography, and children's books (think: books with more images).
Additionally, BookBaby also offers interior formatting for eBooks, too. Just how you'd expect your printed books to be formatted in a way that makes sense to the potential reader, your eBooks should do the same. Your digital manuscript will be formatted so that readers can enjoy it on devices like the Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble Nook, and other eBook readers.