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Expert eBook publishing services

Professional eBook conversion, design, and formatting all at an affordable price.

Create Your eBook
Professional eBook Conversion

Everything your eBook needs is right here:

Why BookBaby is your best choice for eBooks

We make taking your journey from writer to author as easy as possible with everything you need to make the eBook of your dreams. As a book publishing platform, you can expect the following from us:

  • We take zero commission. You keep 100% of your net eBook sales from online retailers.
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing + BookBaby. The best of both worlds! Enjoy all the benefits of the Kindle Select Publishing program, plus the opportunity to expand your eBook sales through BookBaby’s industry-leading global distribution network.
  • Our file conversion professionals will convert your digital document to the highest quality so that it’s enjoyable on Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, Barnes & Noble Nook, smartphones, tablets, and every popular eBook reader around the globe.
  • We are the only eBook self-publishing company that sends you a finished ePub formatting proof of your eBook for your review.
  • Self-publish eBooks and not only reach millions of readers on Amazon, but also be able to sell your eBook on the largest eBook retail network, introducing your book to more readers worldwide than anyone else.
  • Fast to market. Your book will be ready to sell online in just a day or two after proof approval.
  • You keep control and retain 100% of your rights.
  • Get paid every week. When your account reaches your set threshold, we automatically pay you the following Monday.
  • Earn more royalties with your own sales page on Bookshop™—your free one-stop shop to sell your eBook directly to your readers while earning a whopping 85% of your retail sales.

What is an eBook?

An eBook is an electronic version of a printed book that can easily be read on a computer or handheld device, with properly formatted text and images, no matter the size of the screen. The text of the digital book is reflowable — meaning when one screen is full, it will flow to the next — and the images will resize to fit screen proportions.

eBooks are also the fastest way to self-publish your book worldwide, making it easy for millions of readers to find, buy, and enjoy your book online on retail sites like Amazon’s Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble’s NOOK Store, Apple Books, and many more. With eBooks, readers can take hundreds, even thousands of books on the go, and all on one device.

There are a lot of ways you can benefit from understanding how to create an eBook. Learn the basics by watching our video and become a self-published author with BookBaby today.

Compatibility across the board

Whether it’s your daughter’s iPad or your mom’s Kindle, our eBook publishing experts will produce high-quality eBook files that are viewable on ALL popular eReaders.

eReaders Get started

Not sure where to start?

How to Self Publish a Book guide

Five steps is all it takes

All the essential information you need to go from manuscript to market place. Read on.

Prepare your eBook

Prepare your eBook

Read these helpful tips for preparing your manuscript before you make your eBook. Read on.

Prefer to speak to friendly BookBaby Publishing Specialist? Give us a call.

Real experts on call

Need some help? We’re here for you. Just call us at 1-877-961-6878 to talk to a real Publishing Specialist or get a quote online. Start here.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you're not thrilled with our work—whether it's eBook conversion, cover design, or print quality—we'll work with you until you are. That's our publishing promise to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do eBooks Need a Fixed Layout?

It all depends on what type of eBook you’re writing. Fixed Layout files allow your eBook to display images and text the same way across different eBook readers. eBooks that would benefit from Fixed Layout files can include illustrated children’s books, cookbooks, graphic novels, and coffee table books.

Our team of experts at BookBaby can turn your finished manuscript into an eBook with a Fixed Layout created for Amazon’s Kindle and Apple Books. Contact us today for more information and to get started!

How Can I Publish an eBook?

Publishing an eBook is simple when you work with BookBaby. We have every self-publishing service you need, all in one place – including eBook conversion, professional book editing, eBook cover design, book marketing, and much more. Plus, we offer distribution around the globe, including through Amazon KDP Select!

If you have your finished manuscript ready to be published, our Publishing Specialists are here to help. Learn more today by contacting us at 1-877-961-6878 or simply by saving a quote.

How Do I Sell My eBook?

Selling your eBook has never been easier than with BookBaby's book marketing services. First, you'll have the option to sell your book directly to readers with Bookshop. Bookshop is your own personal, one-stop-shop where you'll earn more profits, expand your reach, get paid sooner, and have total control over your page content.

Additionally, BookBaby also offers Social Media Ads for Authors, Display Ads for Authors, and metadata optimization. Plus, you can sell your eBook in the world's biggest bookstores with our global eBook distribution services. You can now also work with both BookBaby and Amazon KDP Select Publishing, so you’ll get the benefits of both services while expanding your reach to new readers.

Where Can You Buy an eBook?

eBooks are becoming more and more popular, and can be bought from Amazon, Google, Kindle, Barnes & Noble,, Apple Books, etc. Additionally, BookBaby authors have their own personal sales pages on Bookshop. BookBaby Bookshop was created to help directly support independent authors and allow them to maintain total control over the pricing of their books, as well as their page content.

Purchasing an eBook on Bookshop means that authors retain 85% of each eBook sale, allowing them to earn up to 3X more than on traditional mainstream sites. After all, it’s the authors who have put their heart and hard work into their books, and we’re committed to ensuring they are fairly compensated and supported.