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How to Make a Book

Making a book might seem like a daunting task reserved only for seasoned authors and publishing professionals. However, with the right tools, guidance, and determination, anyone can transform their story or creative vision into a tangible custom book. Whether you're an aspiring novelist, a blogger seeking to anthologize your work, or someone with personal illustrations to share, the publishing and writing process of bookmaking offers a deeply rewarding experience.

All you need to know to write, print, and promote your printed book.

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How To Format Your Book

One of the most important steps when getting ready to publish a book is formatting. Read blog articles related to common questions that authors have when getting ready to format their book.

What to Include on Your Book's Copyright Page

Do you have questions about how to assemble your book's copyright page? Here's a breakdown of what information you should include and how you should present it. Read more

What Goes In The Front Matter Of Your Book?

What you include in the front matter of your book depends on the information you want to impart to your reader to help enhance, explain, or set things up. Read more

Book Formatting and Cover Design Make Your Manuscript...a Book

You can create a beautiful book, inside and out. Once you're finished with your content, you need to make sure your book looks as good as it reads. Read more


Why do you need a professional editor to polish your book? Imagine your book — a culmination of your creativity, painstakingly crafted word by word. But before unleashing it on the world, consider the magic touch of a professional editor. Here's why:

  • Eliminate typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies that can trip up readers and detract from your polished masterpiece.
  • An editor ensures your writing is clear, concise, and flows effortlessly. They'll help refine your message and elevate your voice.
  • They'll identify areas for improvement, suggest plot enhancements, and help you craft a truly captivating story arc.
  • A sharp editor can help you craft a compelling book description and polish your book title for maximum impact on potential readers searching online or browsing shelves.

For self-published authors, the editing process is even more crucial. A professional editor can bridge the gap between a polished manuscript and a market-ready book, helping you compete with traditionally published works.

The Importance of Editing for the Self-Published Author

Why, exactly, is editing such a vital step when self-publishing? Learn from a self-published author himself, here.

What Makes Publication Quality Text?

What are readers and agents looking for when they pick up a manuscript? Check out what makes your book ready for publication here.

You Cannot Overedit

Ever read a published book and find a grammatical mistake, or maybe even two? That's because you can never overedit — learn more here.

ISBN & Metadata

What is an ISBN? What is metadata? ISBNs and metadata are the keys to unlocking findability:

  • ISBN (International Standard Book Number): Think of it as your book's unique ID. An ISBN identifies your specific edition (paperback vs. hardcover) and facilitates ordering, sales tracking, and distribution across platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), online retailers, and libraries.
  • Book Metadata: This detailed information includes your book title, author name, compelling book description, publication date, eye-catching book cover image, book format (printed book, digital book, photo book), font size details (especially for children's books), and category tags. Search engines and online retailers rely on accurate metadata to categorize and display your book to potential readers searching for similar books, specific topics, or authors.

By equipping your book with an ISBN and comprehensive metadata, you're giving it the power to be discovered!

Your ISBN: Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Of all the mysteries surrounding the process of self publishing, the book ISBN ranks among the most intimidating to many new authors. We're here to allay your concerns and give you answers. Read more

Metadata Optimization For Your Book

Here are some pointers on how to best enter your book's metadata, upload your manuscript for publishing, and everything else that goes into the ordering process. Read more

Tell your book's story with metadata

Metadata tells booksellers, libraries, and your potential readers everything they need to know about your book. Read more

Book Cover Design

Everyone always says “don't judge a book by its cover” but that doesn't mean your book cover shouldn't look amazing!

You Can't Skip Hiring A Cover Designer

Readers are basing their book-purchasing decisions on a single image with a few pixels. That's one reason you need the services of a professional cover designer. Read more

Sell Them With Your Cover Design

Despite the old cliché, your prospective eBook and print buyers will judge your book by its cover. Read more

Focus On Your Book's Back Cover

The 150 to 200 words you'll choose to place on your book's back cover might just be the most important words in your entire book project. Read more

How To Get Worldwide Distribution

Your book is written, formatted, designed and ready for the public. Now how do you get it into the eager hands of hungry readers? Today even completely unknown authors have the ability to get global eBook distribution to all the most popular eBook platforms. These articles will get you there.

It's Time To Publish Your Book Internationally

You've heard the phrase “content is king,” but it's time to revise that to “distribution rules,” which is why you need to publish your book internationally. Read more

Your Book Needs to Be On Amazon, but...

Excerpted from our guide, "How To Publish On Amazon," get a glimpse into why Amazon is the most important (but not the only) retailer you need to focus on. Read more

The #1 Mistake of Self-Published Authors for Worldwide Book Sales

Successful self-published authors are tapping into larger markets, which include many other retailers beyond Amazon. "Less is more" is a cute phrase for minimalists, but don't limit yourself when it comes to online retail options for worldwide book sales. Read more

Amazon Optimization

BookBaby makes your print books available in many different bookstores, but Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in the distribution room. This means you need to focus your attention on optimizing your metadata to get the best search results for Amazon's search engine algorithm. Read more

How To Promote Your Book

You've done it! Your book is published. Congratulations. You’ve done what many dream of doing (but rarely accomplish). This in itself is a huge success. Take a few days to drink champagne and be merry; but don’t leave your book alone on a digital shelf for too long. Promoting your book is the essential next step and, believe it or not, it can be really fun.

10 Tips for Hosting A Successful Book Launch Party

You’ve written your book and completed the hard work of producing it. Now, it’s time to release it to the world. In other words, it’s time for a book launch party. Read more

How to Write a Book Description: Six Essential Types

A compelling book description can be the deciding factor in capturing your readers' attention or losing it altogether. Learn how to craft a brilliant book summary and boost your book sales with these six types of descriptions. Read more

Four Ways to Boost Your Book Marketing

Generating sales takes strategic and creative thinking — here are four things you can do to boost your book marketing and help open your gateway to success.

Your Book Needs A Pre-Sale Period To Be Successful

A pre-sale period gives you an opportunity to build a foundation for your book’s success. Without spending the time and energy to make sure that foundation is ready, your book sales will suffer. Read more

Three Social Media Mistakes For Would-Be Authors

Social media is a key element of many authors’ marketing plans, but you’re making a mistake if you focus on book sales — especially right out of the gate. Start early, take it seriously, and be social, and you may find success promoting on social media. Read more

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Frequently asked questions:

What are the most important steps when creating a book?

When you're creating a book, there are several important steps to take in the writing, printing, and publishing process. And if you're like many self-published authors, you're probably mostly just interested in the actual writing of your story. Luckily, that's the first — and hardest! — step when you're learning how to self-publish a book.

Ensuring that your book is finalized before you make moves to publish is essential. Writing a book can be a long process, and finishing your work is not only a huge accomplishment, but it's the biggest step toward your career as a published author.

The next most important step in creating a book is to have it edited. Once your book is printed and out on the shelves, you don't want readers distracted by misspelled words or the misuse of punctuation marks. Hiring an editor might be an added expense, but truly pays for itself in the long run.

Next, you'll want to have a book cover designed, as well as choosing the formatting of your book. Unless you have experience with graphic design elements, you'll likely want to hire a professional book cover designer to create a cover that pops on bookstore shelves. When formatting your book, you'll want to decide on how your text and images will appear on your pages. This might differ from printed to eBooks.

Other important steps when making a book include creating a marketing strategy and deciding where you want to sell your book. Services like BookBaby's Facebook Ads for Authors or Book Metadata Optimization will help you to get your book in front of a larger audience and boost your sales.

While it might seem like there are many steps to take when creating and publishing a book, BookBaby's self-publishing services make it simple. Contact us today to learn how you can get your story printed, published, and out in the world.

What are the benefits of making a book?

There are so many benefits to making a book and sharing your story — not just personally, but for your readers, too! Think about how many books you truly connected with over the years, that maybe even changed the course of your life. Whether it was fiction or non-fiction, someone's story somewhere has helped us along our own personal journeys.

If you want to be a writer, you owe it to yourself and to your potential readers to share your work. Plus, writing a book and understanding how to make an eBook can help you to learn more about yourself in the process. Writing can be a journey of really looking inward. And furthermore, to finish your work is a testament of your dedication, commitment, and passion. Imagine putting hours, days, maybe years into a story that you can now hold in your hands as a finished book. And not only that — but you've just gone from being a writer to a self-published author.

Aside from the personal benefits of making a book, it can also be a great way to create some extra income. Depending on how you publish and market your book, earning royalties can become a passive income stream, where you've already put out all the effort (writing and publishing your book) up front. And when you self-publish with BookBaby, you'll earn the highest royalties in the industry by selling directly to your readers through Bookshop.

From personal to professional benefits, there are plenty of reasons why creating a book is a fulfilling milestone in your career as a writer.

Is it difficult to make a book?

Making a book doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, when you work with BookBaby to print and publish your book, writing your story is the hardest part. With BookBaby, we offer every self-publishing service you need, all in one place, so that all you have to worry about is writing and submitting your finished manuscript.

And while we'll help guide you to select options and features for your book, you'll keep total creative control — from choosing your trim size, binding, and paper stock options, to working with our design team to create a unique book cover. You can even convert your book to an audiobook, too!

We'll also help you with marketing your book, with plenty of services to help you spread the word about your work. Making a book doesn't have to be hard — in fact, it can be an overall fun, exciting experience when you have the right support by your side.