Professional line editing
Editing by our seasoned editors who have worked with traditionally published and self-published authors
50 softcover books
Plus one press proof copy for your review before publishing (use these books for autographing or for direct sales)
ISBN assignment
Number, barcode, and metadata registration for tracking your sales
Your book will be made available to the world's most prominent retailers
Book cover design & interior formatting
Book cover design and formatting by our in-house designers and typesetting specialists
eBook conversion
By our digital book professionals who will make your book readable on any device
Direct-to-reader sales
With some of the highest royalties in publishing through the BookBaby Bookshop
Sales & marketing
- Metadata optimization: author biography, book description, and keyword optimization for maximum appeal
- Listed with Libby, the library reading app available to a global network of 27,000+ libraries and schools
- Inclusion in the new release email to over 70,000 BookBaby Bookshop newsletter subscribers
- Social posting on all the BookBaby Bookshop social media outlets
- Robust and easy-to-use publishing account to see your sales reports, manage your advertising campaigns, and more
- Access to the BookBaby author app to manage your author business on the go from your mobile device
- Ads for Authors campaign development through Facebook & Instagram, LinkedIn, or Google display ads
- Metadata optimization: author biography, book description, and keyword optimization for maximum appeal
- Listed with Libby, the library reading app available to a global network of 27,000+ libraries and schools
- Inclusion in the new release email to over 70,000 BookBaby Bookshop newsletter subscribers
- Social posting on all the BookBaby Bookshop social media outlets
- Robust and easy-to-use publishing account to see your sales reports, manage your advertising campaigns, and more
- Access to the BookBaby author app to manage your author business on the go from your mobile device
- Ads for Authors Campaign Development through Facebook & Instagram, LinkedIn, or Google display ads
*Pricing based on trade fiction or nonfiction 6x9 books, up to 200 pages, black text printing, perfect bound. Options are available for all book genres and styles, including hardcover and full-color tabletop books. Please call or email to discuss your unique project requirements.