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Self-Publish & Print Your Textbook with BookBaby

Expand your reach as an educator with a
self published textbook

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Cover of The Algebra Revolution by Art Bardige

Why publish your textbook with BookBaby?

100% Guaranteed

100% Guaranteed

We stand by our work and we're serious about making you happy. You'll be satisfied with the quality of your books and the design of your book cover. If by chance you're not happy, we'll work with you until you're completely satisfied.

Premium quality

Premium quality

Our printing quality is comparable to (or better than) Simon & Schuster, Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and others. It's all thanks to our state-of-the art facility, innovative technology, top-grade paper, and meticulous attention to detail.

Support for a lifetime

Support for a lifetime

BookBaby supports your book for a lifetime. We'll ensure that you receive dedicated guidance on publishing, distribution, marketing, and selling your books. We're invested in your immediate and future success.

Dreams become reality

Dreams become reality

Choosing BookBaby means choosing the best self publishing experience possible. We won't just create your book — we'll distribute it everywhere so others can read it, too. Everything you need to make your dream possible is right here.

Talk to a Publishing Specialist
Educational textbooks published with BookBaby

When you have questions about creating your book, our experienced Publishing Specialists are here to answer them — before, during, and after the project is completed

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or call 856-460-8069

There's a better way to publish your textbook

As an experienced educator, you have a zest for learning and a passion to share with your students. You deserve to have your expertise turned into an academic book that will help others expand their knowledge. Instead of working with a traditional publisher and losing the rights to the curriculum you worked hard to develop, you can self publish a textbook and retain full creative control. Now, let's hit the books.

It's easy to create affordable, custom textbooks for students. There are many reasons educators turn to top textbook publishers to transform their academic expertise into a self published textbook. For example, creating your own textbook allows college professors to give students a cost-friendly solution, and it can also create a supplementary income stream. No matter what your goal is as an educator, BookBaby can help you print, publish, and distribute a quality textbook that is helpful for both your students and your career.

BookBaby makes textbook publishing easy, and working with BookBaby will take your textbook right to the head of the class. Our professional book cover designers will give your textbook a stunning cover, while our interior book formatting specialists will provide an easy-to-navigate layout. With Print On Demand distribution, you can publish sell your textbook worldwide. Unlike most textbook companies, we help you do it all without having to pay for large print runs, warehousing, or fulfillment. We offer the best-quality textbook printing services in an extensive array of trim sizes and finishes.

Thousands of self published authors trust BookBaby for professional textbook publishing. We've created a wide range of instructional manuals, medical textbooks, and educational tools for schools and other industries. Whatever the subject matter may be, we're here to guarantee that your knowledge gets published in the most professional manner. Our Publishing Specialists will help you through every step of the process, and we will support your textbook for its lifetime. Class dismissed!

1. Get your book polished and ready for publishing

Professional editing

Self publishing a textbook puts your reputation at stake. You want your textbook to be fact-checked, easily understandable, and free of mistakes. Count on BookBaby's professional textbook editors to see that no errors are present in your manuscript.

Interior formatting for eBooks

If you're looking to publish your textbook as an eBook, you'll need to make sure it gets properly formatted. Leave it to our masters to perfectly format your textbook into an eBook.

Book cover design

First impressions are important, and an academic book cover is no exception. Our skilled book cover designers will design a textbook cover that makes an eye-catching statement about your subject matter.

Metadata optimization

Your textbook is introduced to the world through its metadata. Boost your book's visibility in the educational marketplace by having our metadata optimization experts create a compelling book listing.

Interior formatting for printed books

Elevate your textbook's readability by having our skilled designers create an impeccable presentation of your curriculum. Your students will enjoy an enhanced reading experience. Our interior book formatting services are second to none.

2. Make your book available in every format

Printed books

We offer both softcover and hardcover book printing in a variety of dimensions and paper stocks. Our textbook printing options include a vast selection of trim sizes and finishes.

eBook conversion

Reach different types of learners by offering your textbook as an eBook. Our digital book producers guarantee your textbook's readability across all popular reading devices worldwide.

3. Sell your book in stores and market your book worldwide

Global distribution

Gain access to the world's largest distribution network and sell your textbook through major global retailers. You'll expand your audience and educate readers internationally.

Marketing & advertising

Maximize your reach through digital advertising, social media, and more. We'll help target students and educators who are looking to expand their knowledge of your subject matter area.

Direct-to-reader sales

Sell your textbook in the BookBaby Bookshop and enjoy the benefits of the world's most author-friendly bookstore. You'll earn the industry's highest royalty rates, get paid weekly, and track your book's performance.

ISBN assignment

Having an ISBN is a crucial step in selling your textbook and keeping tabs on its success. We'll help you obtain a number, barcode, and metadata registration for tracking the sales of your textbook.

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Distribution partners include:

Distribution partners
Students smiling and reading textbooks in a classroom