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Amazon self-publishing services

Publishing your book on Amazon is easy and rewarding when you work with BookBaby

Learn more about Amazon Book Publishing with BookBaby

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Book formatted to a variety of devices on Amazon
Amazon + BookBaby

Many authors believe that it's all-or-nothing when publishing a book on Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer. But with BookBaby Amazon self-publishing, there are multiple ways you can take advantage of Amazon’s best book promotional tools — like Amazon KDP (Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing) Select — and still take advantage of all of BookBaby’s worldwide distribution and Print On Demand options, all from one simple account.

Printed Book Distribution

With BookBaby's Print On Demand book distribution services, you can sell physical books online at right next to your eBook. Your printed book will also be available to bookstores like Barnes & Noble, BookBaby's Bookshop™, libraries, and novelty retailers through the world's biggest wholesale networks. Best of all, BookBaby takes ZERO commission from your Amazon book sales.
Learn more about Print On Demand Distribution

Amazon Kindle

Reach millions of readers and increase book sales by publishing your book on Amazon Kindle. When you choose book publishing on Kindle through BookBaby, your physical book will be available for purchase on, and your eBook will be available on the Kindle eBook Reader, the Kindle Fire, and dozens of other devices.

Keep 100% of your Amazon eBook royalties when you
self-publish with BookBaby!

Learn more about eBook distribution

Amazon KDP Select Publishing

If you choose to publish on KDP Select through BookBaby, not only will you get access to the Kindle Select Publishing program, but also to BookBaby’s large global distribution network.As a self-published author, you want what many traditional publishing companies can’t offer: total and complete ownership of your work.

Now, every published author we work with can enjoy all the benefits of the Kindle Select Publishing program, plus the opportunity to expand sales through BookBaby’s industry-leading global distribution network featuring Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Libby, Hoopla, and dozens more. Learn more about the pros and cons of Amazon KDP Select

Got questions?

Call us at 856-460-8069 or schedule an appointment with a Publishing Specialist.

Frequently Asked Questions

I already published my eBook with Amazon through my personal KDP account. Can I still use BookBaby?

Yes! As long as you’re not currently enrolled in KDP Select, which demands exclusivity, you can sign up with BookBaby and get your eBook into dozens of other stores.

Can I create an Amazon Author Central account when publishing with BookBaby?

Yes! You can create your account here. This account is separate from your BookBaby account, so any questions on how to manage it would have to be directed to Amazon. You can modify your author bio, post a photo, and link to your personal website through this feature.

Problems viewing .mobi proofs on iPad or iPhone?

The .mobi file is actually two files in one. One is used by more recent eReaders such as the Fire, PaperWhite, and Kindle Android apps. The other is used by older Kindle devices. After your book is delivered to Amazon they create a proprietary 3rd file type called an .azk file. This is the file delivered to Apple Books users with the Kindle app on their device.

If you’re checking your .mobi proof on an iPad or iPhone using the Amazon app, we strongly suggest that you check the ePub version in Apple Books- this will give you a much closer approximation of the true appearance of your final Kindle formatted file.

The only way to see how the eBook from Amazon will appear in an iOS device running the Kindle app is to purchase it directly from Amazon after it’s available for sale.

How to set up keywords for searching for your book on Amazon

Search keywords can be a word or a phrase. Amazon publishing recommends that for the best results, you use phrases that are 2-3 words long. To determine the right search keywords for your book we suggest you think like a reader browsing for a book with your book's topic. What are your target readers searching for?

Amazon's rules for key words are designed to provide the best experience for their customers. Any of the following key words could cause your book to be rejected by Amazon:

  • Reference to other authors
  • Reference to books by other authors
  • Reference to sales rank (i.e. 'best-selling')
  • Reference to advertisements or promotions (i.e. 'free')
  • Reference to anything that is unrelated to your book's content
  • Using multiple search terms in one keyword (i.e "diet, self-help, and meditation" would need to be divided into separate keywords)

How do I view my eBook proof on a Kindle?

Sideloading Kindle Fire with access to a computer (easiest):

  • Using a mini USB to USB cord, connect the Kindle Fire to a computer
  • Download the eBook file on your computer
  • Using a file explorer program, open up the kindle (will show as a temporary drive) and open the folder on the computer with the file
  • Drag the eBook file from the computer to the Kindle Fire Books directory
  • Follow your computer’s procedure for disconnecting peripheral devices and your book will now be available in the Kindle Fire’s “Books” tab

Sideloading Kindle Fire with access to a computer (easiest):

  • Download the eBook file to the Kindle Fire using either the browser or via email.
  • Download and install a file explorer program, such as ES File Explorer from Amazon APP market (it’s free)
  • Using the file explorer find the book file (it will be in the main Kindle directory) and copy it (press and hold the icon until the sub-menu pops up)
  • Go to the “Books” folder
  • Paste the file (with ES Explorer you will need to select “Operations,” then hit paste)
  • Power Kindle Fire off and back on
  • Book should be in the Books tab
Learn how to transfer content to a Kindle device via USB.