BookBaby authors get the world’s biggest distribution network for both eBooks and printed books
Lulu distributes eBooks through Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Scribd and KOBO.
Meanwhile, BookBaby authors sell through all those stores – and dozens more. From Gardner’s, the UK’s biggest digital book store, to the Baker & Taylor catalog – BookBaby delivers eBooks to over 60 stores in 170 countries.
For printed books, Lulu distributes through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Ingram.
Compare that with BookBaby’s Print On Demand program featuring Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Baker & Taylor, Ingram Network, Powells, BooksAMillion, ChristianBook Distributors, and many more. Plus, our authors are able to sell through the BookBaby Bookshop. With free analytics tools and sizable royalties, it’s the most author-friendly bookshop around.
The bottom line: If you want your eBook or Printed Book to be discovered by readers, BookBaby is the clear choice.