The most-successful authors know that it's not enough to just write your book — you need to use your passion and energy to promote your book and create reader interest. Below are ideas to help you to continue your momentum once your book is published:
- Start with people you know
The best way to kick off your book's sales efforts is by messaging those who know (and love) you. Tell everyone you know about your book. Email your contact list. Let them know you're a published author, you have a new book available, and include a link to where they can buy it.
- Post regularly on social media
Marketing your book on social media is a great opportunity to drive new sales. By posting regularly, you can let people know where they can buy it. Don't just rely on organic posts that only reach an estimated 20% of your social friends and followers. It's easy and affordable to boost your organic posts to reach a much wider audience.
- Use email to drive sales
Email is proven to be the best tool to sell books. Implement a steady email campaign — dropping a message to your list every week or two — to maximize your book sales. Your BookBaby Bookshop page can play a role in your email marketing, as it's a great way to link potential readers to your content.
- Tell stories
A compelling story sells books! Don't just spam your audience with “buy my book” messages. Be a storyteller. Talk about what inspired the book. Share the joys, struggles, and travails that made you a writer. Recount some of the stories from the book. The more engaging your stories and anecdotes are, the more likely you are to create buyer interest.
- Start teasing early
If you wait for your book to be published before you start promoting, you've missed out on a great opportunity to generate interest and engagement from your potential audience. Well before your book is done, let your contacts know that you're writing a book. Share tidbits of content and inspiration. Tease them with your cover design. By the time your book comes out, you'll have and audience ready to buy.
- Get out there in person
Go to your local independent bookstore and set up a book signing (most indie bookstores will happily support a local author). Make flyers to promote your book signing to get people into the store. Depending on the subject matter, set up speaking engagements at trade shows, conferences, or support groups, and include a soft sell in your pitch. Make sure to have printed copies on hand to autograph and sell.
- Set up a website and start a blog
If you have serious aspirations for your book, an author/book website is a great online home for your writing, biography, and public appearances (and, of course, a place to sell your book). A blog requires time and inspiration, and as such, it's not for everyone. But if you do it right, it can be a tremendous tool to build a loyal following that would buy any book you publish. Your BookBaby Bookshop page can also serve as your author website, and you can keep it updated with any news you'd like to share.
- Lather, rinse, repeat
It is often said in marketing that, on average, it takes on average seven impressions before someone takes a desired action. If you only send out one message and a social post about your new book, you'll never build an audience. Consistent marketing messaging is key to marketing success. It takes months — or years — to be an overnight success.
- Publish another book … and another
Most successful authors don't “hit” with their first book. For many, it takes multiple books, published over years, to start generating significant sales. Don't be discouraged if selling books takes longer than you thought. Play the long game. So long as you keep a consistent marketing and messaging campaign going, you're slowly building momentum for your book.
Ready to sell some books?
The best way for you to sell books is to partner with BookBaby. You can use the tips above to generate initial demand, then count on us to help you effortlessly reach a broader audience that would otherwise be out of reach. It's how successful book publishes happen.