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BookBaby Partner Program Eligibility

The BookBaby Partner Program is open to publishers, authors, editors, designers, publicists and any individual or company engaged in the book publishing industry. The program is available for partners residing in the United States with a valid Taxpayer ID. Residents outside of the US are eligible to enroll if they have a valid US Taxpayer ID.

Terms of Agreement

The term of this Partner Program agreement commences upon BookBaby’s acceptance of the Partner’s enrollment application. Either party may terminate this agreement and a Partner’s participation in the program at any time, with or without cause, with notice thereafter in writing via mail or email. Partner referrals accepted prior to termination shall continue to be covered by this agreement.

Basic Agreements

BookBaby agrees to:

  • Pay a Partner a referral commission on the first $100+ order for new BookBaby clients under the rates and terms described below.

Partner agrees to:

  • Refer new clients to BookBaby for self-publishing services including editing, eBook conversion and distribution, book formatting (typesetting), cover design, book printing, Print On Demand distribution, and marketing services.
  • Provide and maintain on file with BookBaby the current Partner address and other contact information, including Partner’s federal tax identification number.

Partner Enrollment

Prospective BookBaby Partners must submit all information as required, including name, address, phone number, and payment information. BookBaby Partner commissions are paid either through ACH or a PayPal account. No other payment forms are permitted (including checks).

Every BookBaby Partner is required to download, fill out, and submit to BookBaby an IRS Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number, and Certification. Failure to submit IRS Form W-9 within 90 days of their first commission will result in forfeiture of the commission and a change of BookBaby Partner status to inactive.

BookBaby will notify BookBaby Partners of their acceptance into the program via email.

Partner Referrals

There are two ways that BookBaby Partners can register referral clients and be eligible for commissions:

1. A referred client is linked to a partner when the referred client goes to create a new account using the Partner's referral page, which is provided to each Partner upon sign up. A Partner cannot register a client referral through the referral registration page. This is the only method that will link a prospective client referral to your BookBaby Partner account prior to a referred client commencing a printing or self-publishing project with BookBaby. No email, phone calls, or other communication with BookBaby can establish a referral.

Partners must provide BookBaby with all required client referral information including name, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

Linked referral clients can submit projects through the BookBaby Partner’s referring page (see below), directly to BookBaby through its website, or through phone calls to Publishing Specialists.

IMPORTANT: BookBaby Partner referrals and commissions are only open to new BookBaby clients. If the exact name, email address, or phone number already exists in the BookBaby database at the time of the attempted registration, your referral link will not be valid. You will be notified of the unsuccessful attempt at the time of the attempted registration.

2. Each successfully enrolled BookBaby Partner will be provided with a unique URL. This is a BookBaby-provided page which contains coding instructions that link your Partner account to the prospective referral client. When your prospective clients select the “Get Started” button, their accounts will be automatically linked to their BookBaby Partner when they create a new BookBaby account. This is the page URL that you should share to any prospective referral clients.

Referral Commissions

A Partner shall be entitled to a one-time referral commission for referred client projects that exceed $100 and have been completed, produced, and paid in full. The commission rate is 10% on all BookBaby products and services, net of any client discounts and shipping. Only one commission will be paid to Partners per each referred client. Commissions are not paid on reorders or additional projects purchased by the referred client.

A Partner can view client projects (referred and completed) and payment status by visiting their account.

BookBaby is not responsible for any referrals that are not linked to a Partner for any reason, without limitation including any inaccurate information provided by the Partner and/or the client such as incorrect client names or contact information.

Payment Procedures and Forfeitures

BookBaby will issue a commission confirmation via the Partner's email address on record on the 15th of each month after the completion of the qualified order linked to the Partner. If the Partner has uploaded an accurate IRS Form W-9/W-8BEN to BookBaby, the referral commission payment will be sent via the Partner’s registered payment information, either ACH or PayPal.

IMPORTANT: If the BookBaby Partner has not completed and uploaded IRS Form W-9 to BookBaby, commission will be placed on hold. BookBaby will notify the Partner via email of the hold status of the commission and will give instructions to provide IRS Form W-9. BookBaby will send at least three (3) emails to the BookBaby Partner’s address requesting the documents needed.

If the BookBaby Partner fails to upload IRS Form W-9 after 90 days of the completion of the qualified order, the Partner will forfeit this commission. In addition, the Partner’s account will be sent to inactive. Partners that are in inactive status are no longer able to register or be eligible for new Partner commissions. Partners can regain active status once they have supplied BookBaby with IRS Form W-9.

If Partners fail to upload IRS Form W-9 within 365 days of BookBaby Partner Program enrollment, their accounts will be cancelled and they will be notified via email of the cancellation status.

Inquiries regarding commission payments may be made via email to

Partner Information Changes

It is the Partner’s responsibility to notify BookBaby of any changes in business name, contacts, address, phone, email, banking information, or PayPal account information. BookBaby will send all correspondence to the most recent information provided by the Partner and will not be responsible for outdated account information.


The terms and conditions of the BookBaby Partner Program are subject to change and termination without notice, except for referral projects accepted by BookBaby prior to the effective date of such changes or termination. Any changes to the terms of Partner Program on the BookBaby website shall be deemed adequate and full notice to all Partners. The terms hereof cannot be modified except through this website or a writing signed by the President of BookBaby.

This agreement shall be governed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and unless BookBaby elects otherwise, any dispute under this agreement shall be resolved only in the courts located in the State of New Jersey to which jurisdiction all Partners hereby submit.