About publishing on Kobo
Kobo is a global eBook retailer that understands reading isn’t just a private activity. With a sharp focus on the social aspect of literature, Kobo encourages readers to recommend and discuss recent reads with other Kobo users. Kobo users can purchase books recommended by friends simply by tapping on the shared book cover from an activity feed. This means that virtually every time someone purchases and reads your book on Kobo, it has the potential to get noticed by thousands of readers.
Kobo carries over six million eBooks, with customers in over 190 countries. Whether you’re a bestselling author or just about to publish your first novel, BookBaby wants to make your book available to Kobo’s reading community for purchase, for recommending, and for broader discussion.
Why work with BookBaby?
You get worldwide distribution when you publish with BookBaby and keep 100% of your eBook royalties. Our knowledgeable customer service team is available by phone and email five days a week. We eliminate eBook publishing headaches by offering everything you need: eBook conversion, professional & affordable book editing, eBook cover design, hard and softcover book printing, and more.
BookBaby was founded by writers and authors just like you. Learn more