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Let us edit up to 1,250 words of your book for free

Put our professional book editors to the test with a sample edit of your manuscript*.

Use promo code TRYEDITING

*Choose any 1,250 word stretch from your book that you want to be edited. Author manuscripts only – research or term papers, etc. will be rejected.

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  • Editing Services Quote (02.09.2025)
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  • Promo codes can be added after quote is configured

The very best investment in your book is editing.

There’s a reason professional authors trust their work to professional book editors: authors get so close to their writing that they can no longer see the grammar typos, plot holes, and other shortcomings throughout their manuscript.

Authors that don’t hire professional editors end up regretting that decision because in the long run it could end up costing them more time, money, and success. Professional book editing may not be cheap, but it isn’t a luxury either. Bestselling authors know it’s one of the most important elements of any book’s success. And that goes for your book too, especially if you are self-publishing.

Let BookBaby prove just how much your book can benefit from professional book editing services. Send us up to 1,250 words of your manuscript and we’ll professionally edit them for you—completely free and with no obligation. Then you can decide if you need to edit the rest of your book, or if your book is ready to publish.

Big selling books edited by a professional editor

Every. Single. One.

We’ve published tens of thousands of books at BookBaby over the years. Many have been big sellers–from business books to memoirs, mysteries to romance titles. What do all these big selling books have in common? Every single one was edited by a professional editor.

Pay now or pay later

Pay now or pay later.

Every author needs to understand the risk vs. reward of professional editing and make their choice:
The payoff—Readers and reviewers take notice of well-edited books.
The risk—Disappointed fans and potential readers dismiss poorly edited—or completely unedited—books.

Your editing team.

We’ve assembled an all-star team of experienced book editors across the globe that apply their world-class talents to improve your book. They’ve worked with authors in all genres, from religion to romance, and many even with New York Times bestsellers.

Now they’re ready to get to work for you. Apply your $50 editing coupon and see what our team can do for your book.

Edit or regret it

Take it from Dr. Tony Lewis to see why avoiding professional editing can be more costly than you realize. Read the article.

I recently ordered line editing on one chapter, as I wanted to critique your services. The editor’s suggestions and comments made the chapter read smoother, added fluidity and understanding. Best seventy dollars I ever spent. I will be sending every chapter, even the back page blurb, in for line editing. Fantastic! I am so glad I chose BookBaby


How it works

1. Order your editing sample

1. Order your editing sample

Choose line editing in the price quoter. Use code TRYEDITING at checkout to edit up to 1,250 words of your book for free.

2. Pick your editing sample

2. Pick your editing sample

Choose any 1,250 word stretch from your book that you want to be edited. (You can send more than 1,250 words if you choose; the coupon is good for 1,250 words of your order.)

3. Upload your file

3. Upload your file

We’ll match your manuscript with professional editors who specialize in your respective genre. They’ll thoroughly edit your project and provide helpful comments and suggestions. Your project will be ready to review just a few days later.

4. Review our work

4. Review our work

Download your book file from your account and review our editor’s work.

Your 1,250 word sample line editing includes:

  • A basic word-by-word edit that addresses grammar, usage, and consistency issues.
  • Check for typographical errors, spelling errors, and consistency aspects, correction of grammatical and linguistic errors, attention to punctuations.
  • A review to ensure accurate and consistent usage.
  • Correction of awkward constructions and suggestions to make sentences crisper and tighter by fixing redundancy.
  • Review of key aspects of the manuscript—the narrative, vocabulary, structure, characterization, style, and development.
  • Editor’s notes and overall comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I setup my manuscript file for editing?

Only a single manuscript file is accepted for editing services. Book cover files are not needed nor are they accepted.

Manuscript specifications:

  • English language only
  • File Type: Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • Page Size: 8.5x11"
  • Pages Margins: Set to 1" on all 4 sides left, right, top and bottom.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12pt.
  • Line Spacing: Double

Read more.

Make one of the best moves of your career

Use code TRYEDITING to edit up to 1,250 words of your book for free.

Edit my book

Make one of the best moves of your career

Use code TRYEDITING to edit up to 1,250 words of your book for free.

Edit my book