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Publish through Germany’s leading eBook seller

When you publish your book with BookBaby, we will make it available on Ciando, as well as popular eBook stores like the Kindle Store, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble’s Nook, and many more. Ciando is one of the leading eBook retailers in Germany. They’ve been selling “books by download” since 2000, long before the eBook revolution — and they’ve remained at the forefront of digital book retail ever since. Ciando’s catalog consists of over 500,000 eBooks, from thousands of publishers worldwide. Those titles are available at and through their eBook Reader app (on iOS and Android devices). Ciando also distributes their catalog to a vast network of bookstores and libraries, helping those institutions bridge the physical/digital gap.

eBook Conversion

eBook Conversion

We’ll convert your Book to eBook format for Ciando, as well as other eBook outlets such as Amazon, Apple Books, and Kobo.

Global eBook Conversion

Global eBook Distribution

Get published with BookBaby and we’ll make sure your eBook is made available in all the most popular eReader stores, including, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble’s Nook store, Kobo, and many others.

Your royalties

Your royalties

When you choose BookBaby eBook Publishing, we keep 0% of your royalties. You collect 100% of net sales paid by our online retailer network. It’s always easy keep track of your eBook sales in your BookBaby account using your accounting dashboard.




Accepted Languages

Accepted Languages

Any language that uses characters found in the standard character set for a Latin language.

Get worldwide distribution for your book.

Make your book available in every major eBook marketplace around the world. Publish on Ciando and more today.

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About publishing on Ciando

Ciando was one of the first retailers in the digital book marketplace. They’ve grown to become a leading eBook store in Germany. When you publish your eBook with BookBaby, your title will not only be available directly to Ciando’s large customer base through their online store and eReader app, but also to the thousand+ physical bookstores and libraries in Ciando’s network.

Why publish with BookBaby?

BookBaby makes it easy to publish, promote, and sell your eBook worldwide. We also have a knowledgeable customer service staff available by phone and email five days a week. We take the headache out of eBook publishing by offering all the services you need — like eBook conversion, editing, cover design, printing, promotion, and more — all in one place.

BookBaby was founded by writers and authors just like you. Learn more

Publish your book on Ciando and more

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