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Professional Book Copy Editing Services

Polish your manuscript with an expert editor.

Questions? Call 877-961-6878

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If life teaches us anything, it’s that everybody makes mistakes—but especially when writing a novel that spans 415,000 words. That’s what happened in A Dance of Dragons when the infamous Cersei Lannister was identified as a male during her “walk of atonement.” It’s a minor slip-up that diverts the tone from heartfelt pain to lighthearted humor. Shame, shame.

A good story is as compelling as it is consistent. And that’s why BookBaby has professional copy editors ready to ensure your manuscript’s quality holds from the first page to the last line.

I am beautiful, she reminded herself

What is Copy Editing?

Copy editing focuses on the technical aspects of your manuscript, guaranteeing that your writing meets industry standards. A professional copy editor keeps an eye on:

  • Story elements consistency (plot, setting, characters, etc.)
  • Spelling, grammar, and syntax errors
  • Missing words
  • Writing style consistency
  • Vague and inaccurate statements
  • Any mistakes you may have overlooked

Download Copy Editing sample (Microsoft Word doc).

Copy editing vs. Proofreading

Copy editing is the stage where almost all mistakes have been found and corrected. Copy editors look at every word, letter, and punctuation mark and expect to make substantial–yet small–changes to the manuscript.

Proofreading is the final editing stage where a fresh, experienced set of eyes reviews the manuscript. Proofreaders often save authors from embarrassing and simple mistakes.

Edit or regret it

What do Copy Editing services include?

Your copy editor will perform these services when reviewing your manuscript:

  • Correct any typos, especially spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors
  • Fill in missing words
  • Make new paragraphs to break up long passages
  • Ensure consistent spelling, hyphenation, numerals, fonts, and capitalization
  • Flag ambiguous or factually incorrect statements (crucial for non-fiction)
  • Track larger concerns like discrepancies in your plot, setting, and character traits

Overall, your copy editor will impose a consistent style for your text. Most editors use The Chicago Manual of Style as preferred unless the work needs to conform to an academic convention such as AMA, or MLA.

At $0.025 per word, copy editing will save you time and money in the long run.


I've only gone through the process of Copy Editing so far. The editing was very thorough, and I appreciated all the small errors caught that would make a book look sloppy in print. Also, the editor respected my style and understood how I was using grammar.

Judith, BookBaby Author

How BookBaby’s Editing Process Works

1. Choose your editing package

1. Choose the book editing service you need.

Select Copy Editing from the menu.

2. Upload your Word document

2. Upload your Word document.

You don’t have to place a book order to take advantage of our book editing services. All you need is your finished manuscript to get things started.

3. Retrieve your edited manuscript

3. Receive your professionally edited manuscript in 8-10 business days.

Review your fully proofed manuscript along with your editor’s notes.

Frequently asked questions:

What is the difference between copy editing and proofreading?

Book proofreading is the vital last step of the editing process. After your manuscript has received its professional edit, your book proofreader will perform a final review to fix any remaining mechanical and grammar issues before your book is printed and published. Proofreading is not a structural edit and instead focuses on eliminating minor errors and inconsistencies.

Copy editing is a basic word-by-word edit that addresses grammar, usage, and consistency issues. Your copyeditor will correct continuity issues in your story and ensure your manuscript is free of technical problems or major loose ends that’ll confuse your readers. Read More

What is the difference between copy editing and line editing

Copy editing is a basic word-by-word edit that addresses grammar, usage, and consistency issues. Your copyeditor will correct continuity issues in your story and ensure your manuscript is free of technical problems or major loose ends that’ll confuse your readers.

Line editing is an intensive structural edit that focuses on the finer aspects of language—the flow of ideas, transition elements, tone, and style. Your line editor will take a critical look at your manuscript’s writing flow, language usage, and character development, and make suggestions that ensure that you’re communicating your story effectively while maintaining your voice. Read More

How should I setup my manuscript file for editing?

Only a single manuscript file is accepted for editing services. Book cover files are not needed nor are they accepted.

Manuscript specifications:

  • English or Spanish language only
  • File Type: Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • Page Size: 8.5x11"
  • Pages Margins: Set to 1" on all 4 sides left, right, top and bottom.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12pt.
  • Line Spacing: Double

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